1. Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2011. dbNSFP: a lightweight database of human non-synonymous SNPs and their functional predictions. Human Mutation. 32:894-899.
2. Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2013. dbNSFP v2.0: A Database of Human Non-synonymous SNVs and Their Functional Predictions and Annotations. Human Mutation. 34:E2393-E2402.
3. Liu X, Wu C, Li C, and Boerwinkle E. 2016. dbNSFP v3.0: A One-Stop Database of Functional Predictions and Annotations for Human Non-synonymous and Splice Site SNVs. Human Mutation. 37:235-241.
4. Liu X, Li C, Mou C, Dong Y, and Tu Y. 2020. dbNSFP v4: a comprehensive database of transcript-specific functional predictions and annotations for human nonsynonymous and splice-site SNVs. Genome Medicine. 12:103.
If you used dbNSFP v1.x, please cite our paper 1. If you used dbNSFP v2.x, please cite our papers 1 & 2. If you used dbNSFP v3.x, please cite our papers 1 & 3. If you used dbNSFP v4.x and v5.x, please cite our papers 1 & 4.
If you used our ensemble scores MetaSVM and MetaLR, which are based on 10 component scores (SIFT, PolyPhen-2 HDIV, PolyPhen-2 HVAR, GERP++, MutationTaster, Mutation Assessor, FATHMM, LRT, SiPhy, PhyloP) and the maximum frequency observed in the 1000 genomes populations. Please cite:
1. Dong C, Wei P, Jian X, Gibbs R, Boerwinkle E, Wang K* and Liu X*. (2015) Comparison and integration of deleteriousness prediction methods for nonsynonymous SNVs in whole exome sequencing studies. Human Molecular Genetics 24(8):2125-2137. *corresponding authors [PDF]
If you used our ensemble scores MetaRNN, which are based on 16 component scores (SIFT, Polyphen2_HDIV, Polyphen2_HVAR, MutationAssessor, PROVEAN, VEST4, M-CAP, REVEL, MutPred, MVP, PrimateAI, DEOGEN2, CADD, fathmm-XF, Eigen and GenoCanyon), 8 conservation scores (GERP, phyloP100way_vertebrate, phyloP30way_mammalian, phyloP17way_primate, phastCons100way_vertebrate, phastCons30way_mammalian, phastCons17way_primate and SiPhy), and allele frequency information from the 1000 Genomes Project, ExAC, and gnomAD. Please cite:
1. Li C, Zhi D, Wang K and Liu X. (2022) MetaRNN: differentiating rare pathogenic and rare benign missense SNVs and InDels using deep learning. Genome Medicine. 14:115. [PDF]