Download dbNSFP for Academic and Non-commercial use
dbNSFP is free for academic and non-commercial use under the CC4-NC-NDR license. Please complete the academic user registration form to download the latest academic version.
Our academic registration utilizes a domain whitelist for automated verification and distribution of dbNSFP for academic and non-commercial users. However, receiving dbNSFP files from any source does not automatically grant the rights to use it freely in your organization. Please review the definition of commercial use for dbNSFP in FAQ.
Download dbNSFP for Commercial use
License fees are applicable for commercial use of dbNSFP. This model ensures the continued development and maintenance of dbNSFP for both academic and industrial users. For commercial licensing details, please see our licensing process here.
Note: Some functional prediction scores in the academic version have specific non-academic licensing requirements and may not be included in the commercial version. See the README for a complete list of data sources in the current commercial release.
Use dbNSFP Web Query Service
We have developed a web service that allows users to query the full and latest dbNSFP data online.
Academic users can access this service for free after academic user registration.
Free trial access to the commercial version is available upon commercial trial registration.